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February 2024
Issue #293

published monthly since October 1999
How Good Can it Get?

Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Encourage Healthy Change
Activate kindness, peace, and sanity in transformative times

"The secret of change is to focus
all of your energy not on fighting
the old, but on building the new."
— Socrates

One of my favorite moments teaching self defense classes to young students were the moments when I'd ask students in the class to consider what weapons were available to them in that moment. Students enjoyed first noticing that they had an item that might assist them in self defense, and then seeing if they could stump their classmates by suggesting that something seemingly innocuous, such as a Kleenex, could actually come in handy for defending oneself, when applied appropriately. And the biggest revelation to the students came from contemplating what the best potential weapon for self defense might be. After suggesting and exhausting just about every item in the room, someone would usually offer, “Our minds?” And yes, that's exactly it! Thanks to consciousness, we not only have our best access to all that can protect and defend us, but also access to everything we need to grow, heal, evolve, and thrive. Change is the main constant that we can be certain to experience, and change is at the heart of how we can observe mind-matter interaction. While we can't ensure that everything goes the way we hope or plan that it will, we can find ways to adapt as we go along, and we can keep asking, “How good can it get?” along the way, to help ensure that we're experiencing an enjoyable journey.

Stuart Kauffman and Cynthia Sue Larson at Foundations of
Mind conference held at UC Berkeley in 2015
I've been thinking about long conversations I had almost a decade ago with Stuart Kauffman about what he calls “adjacent possibles,” that he views from his extensive background in theoretical biology and complex systems research. Stuart and I gave talks at the Foundations of Mind: Reparsing Nature conference, where Stuart pointed out that there is no absolute number of possible functions for anything—such as a screwdriver—since new functions can exist that could not have been foreseen. Kauffman pointed out that biological systems cannot be reduced to physics. Kauffman stated, “What’s propagating is not DNA or genes–it’s functional sufficiencies.” The key point is that new actuals constantly arise that enable–rather than cause–new possibilities. Once a swim bladder develops in a given animal, for example, a new function–buoyancy–begins to exist. And once that swim bladder exists, it’s possible for bacteria to live in that swim bladder. Here we see that reductionism must fail, since biological evolution creates new actuals that nobody can foresee, which were all enabled by what came before. I've been researching and documenting how it feels to sense and move back and forth through adjacent possibles in the form of reality shifts and Mandela Effects for going on 25 years now—and there's something magical, wonderful, and amazing about contemplating ways that nature brings about self-organizing systems.

With awareness that change is self-organizing, we can begin to envision how we make our world a better place by being the change we wish to see in the world. Such choices of being-ness can be the attractor amidst chaos that invites more love, kindness, respect, and genuine heartfelt connection with everyone and everything we love the most. We can thus find family in friends who feel like soul-sisters, soul-brothers, soul-daughters and soul-sons. It's possible to see opportunities in each of life's challenges, too—and when we expect to find silver linings and blessings, they usually appear.

I've made some changes this month to the way the RealityShifters newsletter is now distributed via Substack, which fits the ezine to a variety of formats, while providing good information security for your data, which I do not sell or share. Substack provides you with an option to financially support my work, but you do not need to contribute any money in order to continue receiving the free monthly RealityShifters news, even when you see messages from Substack suggesting such things. I plan to keep my work free from pay walls, while appreciating donations and support.

Cynthia Sue Larson on Rumble
This past month I've moved my videos to Rumble, though they continue to also be found on my YouTube channel, so you can subscribe to either or both of these video websites if you wish.

If you'd like to see me in person at an event this year, I invite you to check out the in-person workshop next May. I invite you to join the International Mandela Effect Conference (IMEC) livestreams. When you join us live, you can ask questions and join in the fun with others interested in the Mandela Effect who are in the YouTube chat room for these events. And hopefully you know you're always welcome to explore some truly amazing reality shifts that have been reported over the past twenty-four years and posted at RealityShifters. Any time you'd like to remind yourself of some of the remarkable changes we've witnessed, you can review some of the first-hand reports of reality shifts reported since the 1990s!

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P.S. Did you know that I share new experiences, tips, stories, and inspirational ideas at Facebook, Twitter, Substack, Rumble, Instagram, LinkedIn, bsky, MeWe, Alignable, and YouTube? I look forward to seeing you there!


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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "... with your loving and non-judgemental help,
      I crossed the threshold from the world of
      victimization to the world of redemption and grace;
      a place where all wounds are healed and
      where all things are possible;
      a place where all things exist and do not exist--
      at the same time! I deeply appreciate your
      "midwifery" expertise that helped me to trust
      the initiation and unfolding of this process."
      — Dea

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Cynthia Sue Larson, Paola Harris, and Jeff Machala Oneness
Crestone Retreat
Cynthia Sue Larson, Jeff Machala, & Paola Harris
Oneness Workshop

Colorado College Conference Center, Crestone
May 24-26, 2024
2 Nights/3 Days at Colorado College Baca Campus and on 5 acres
$250 / Limited to 60 attendees

Could immediate evolutionary improvements, instantaneous geographic changes, and miraculous spontaneous healing—including recovery from death—be providing us with clues to essential technology, just when we need it most? I'd love to see you May 24-26 at our Colorado workshop, “Oneness: Changing the Timeline & Raising Consciousness.” Join the conversation about the importance of Oneness in these changing times, and how we can harness our natural gifts to thrive individually and together, choosing the reality we need, love, and intend. Discover powerful tools for harnessing your natural quantum superpowers & help lead the way to creating a new world with me, Paola Harris, and Jeff Machala.

Cynthia Sue Larson with Ken on We Are One
Cynthia Sue Larson
on We Are One
with Ken

Dec 18, 2023
1 hour, 36 minutes
I talk with Ken about reality, consciousness, the idea of 'soul traps,' Mandela Effects, and the art of experiencing positive synchronicity without really trying on We Are One.

Cynthia Sue Larson
How Can we Create
a Sane World Amidst Chaos
Cynthia Sue Larson

27 Jan 2024
13 minutes
Given that we exist within evolving consciousness, how best can we foster self-organizing sanity on an individual basis that can flourish to become greater than any inferior agenda, scheme, or plan?  I posted this question to Arlington Institute's Quartet group of: John Peterson, Penny Kelly, Gregg Braden, and Kingsley Dennis after watching a recent conversation they had about "Looking Ahead at 2024."  While I've not yet had the pleasure of hearing their thoughts on this matter, it was the best question that came to my mind that I'd most love to live the answer to, so it's now become the subject of this post. Before diving into this topic, I'd love to share a quotation by Teilhard de Chardin:  "Let us keep the discoveries and indisputable measurements of physics. But let us not become bound and fettered to the perspective of final equilibrium that they seem to suggest. A more complete study of the movements of the world oblige us, little by little, to turn it upside down; in other words, to discover that if things hold and hold together, it is only by reason of complexity, from above." For a variety of reasons, it can seem these days that a great deal of independence and personal freedoms are being challenged when it comes to choices regarding:  food, health, and information sources.  When we hear world leaders calling for:  war instead of peace; surveillance of individuals rather than transparency of government offices and actions; and enforcement of global health regulations rather than open scientific discussions--we can observe that there appears to be a rift between what most people would choose (peace, safety, and love) and what is being planned (war, destabilization, and fear).

You can read the blog post article on this topic at:

Cynthia Sue Larson
Sense and Attract an Adjacent Possible Reality
by Cynthia Sue Larson

27 Jan 2024
1 minute
We can sense Adjacent Possible realities that exist alongside our Actual reality, as Stuart Kauffman describes.

IMEC Open Tables 80s Attack
80s Attack!
on IMEC Open Tables

17 Jan 2024
2 hours, 13 minutes
Join the IMEC board members, Jerry "DarkWolf" Hicks, Christopher Anatra (Quantum Businessman), Shane Robinson (Unbiased and on the Fence), and Cynthia Sue Larson for an exciting episode as they take a look at some recent Mandela Effects that have all been pointed out from the decade of the 1980s!


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Mad Men and Breakfast at Tiffanys
Breakfast at Tiffanys Dress Change
Nutley, New Jersey, USA

I’m a baby boomer who grew up worshiping all things Audrey Hepburn. The opening scene in Breakfast at Tiffany’s is ingrained in my memory. The iconic black Givenchy sheath dress that she wears had a bib-like front, which was echoed in the back design. I just watched the movie and I couldn’t believe my eyes—the front neckline & armholes are now a straight simple design. When I search the internet, all the photos reference that simple design. MANDELA EFFECT. (photo right) Interestingly, in the 1960’s period TV series, Madmen, a character (Bethany Van Nuys) wears a knock-off dress with the unique bib front. Jane Bryant, the show’s costume designer, was meticulous about such details, supporting my memory. (photo left). Speculation about a possible meaning of the dress Mandela: In the movie, Mr. Yunioshi, Holly’s upstairs neighbor, is played (by Mickey Rooney) in unflattering, Asian caricature proportions; a portrayal that has been criticized in recent years as a racist hold over from WWII. The Madmen TV episode involves Japanese businessmen and controversy surrounding working with them; Roger, a WWII vet objecting as they represent the enemy he fought, and the younger partners saying it’s time to get past it. Might you and Chris Anatra speculate that the decoded meaning of this dress design Mandela effect may be: MOVE ON FROM WAR?! My speculation that this particular ME may be decoded as an admonition against continued warfare becomes all the more plausible when one considers that Audrey Hepburn was a tireless UNICEF ambassador prior to her death; and sadly, the plight of children during the current Middle East and Ukrainian conflicts have become all so unbearably magnified. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do to help bring the Earth into higher consciousness,

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for writing to us with this fascinating observation that the dress worn by Audrey Hepburn is noticeably different than you recall.  It's interesting to consider what the meaning of changed dress suggests--especially drawing our attention, as you suggest, to the way the Mad Men episode dress matches the way you remember Hepburn's dress used to be in Breakfast at Tiffany's.  I like your take on the significance and meaning of moving on from war--this seems like an excellent observation to me!


Hand on piano keys
Visual Changes to Thumbs and Hands
Dawn Bernardi
Mission Viejo, California, USA

I recently heard about a thumb-length Mandela Effect. So I'm a piano player, and I remember struggling to span that octave + one key in the Moonlight Sonata. Uhhhhhhhhh, now I can almost reach octave + three! Also, I had a puncture-wound scar (which you can probably see in the photo) that was previously smack in the middle of that fleshy part and now is almost on that knuckle. And if you know that hand game 'here's the church, here's the steeple, open the door, and see all the people,' my thumbs never used to hang so far above the "church." This is the first anatomical Mandela Effect that I've heard of that we can actually see! (A caller on Staveley’s podcast mentioned it.)

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing the Mandela Effect you're noticing that involves changes that you can visually see with your thumbs and hands--that's very cool!  And how wonderful to no longer need to struggle to have such reach on the piano keys!  Thanks for mentioning where you first heard about the changes in the length of thumbs, on a Brian Staveley podcast, and that you're a supporter of his work with the Mandela Effect.  Brian is one of our finalist nominees for the 2023 Golden Mandy and voting is going on now at:

Water Freezing Point Change
Yuba City, California, USA

Now that Winter is upon us, I have discovered that the freezing point of water is back down to 32° where it belongs. In that timeline, I described to you about the solid VW logo--in that reality, the freezing point of water was 36°. Trust me, I thought I had lost my mind. Last winter, when I came across that, I started making noise about it with everyone I knew, and they all just said, “I don't know, whatever, it's always been 36.” I said, “How in the world is that possible? Isn't this chemistry and physics?” Well I have no idea. Maybe it's affected by barometric pressure or something? I have a problem with a Mandela Effect if it violates physics. But 36. That's what it was. That same timeline where the VW logo was solid. And in that reality, wokeism was out of control. here, which feels more like the timeline of my childhood, it's not so much. People aren't afraid of being doxed and losing their jobs over harmless misunderstandings. I just looked it up and an electric field can increase the freezing point of water. so, for example, a stronger magnetic field of the Earth could account for a higher freezing point! You know, it's like a memory of yesterday, talking about 36° with a friend. I looked it up on Google. The freezing point of water. I said what in the world? That is completely wrong. How could I misremember something like that? And here we are. 32°.

Note from Cynthia: This information about magnetic fields being related to the freezing temperature of water is super interesting.  The Earth's magnetic field in this reality is not officially posted the way it was occasionally by US government offices that used to report it was reduced by some 10 to 20 percent down from what it used to be in the 1800s.  I don't know what the actual reduction is about now--some estimate anywhere from 25% to 30% down from what it was back in the 1800s, but a more definite number would be good to have, to go along with this current freezing temperature of water back to 32 degrees.

scene from the movie, Star Crash
Change in the movie, “Star Crash”
Yuba City, California, USA

There's a goofy movie that I watch occasionally, called Star Crash from 1978--a Star Wars spoof. I like it, because honestly I'm a fan of Caroline Monro. And the movie makes me laugh. I've seen it about eight times in the last two years. I get in the mood, and it's funny. The movie has changed significantly from the last time I watched it about six months ago. There was a pathetic lightsaber scene in the movie that in the old timeline, was edited out and replaced with a ring that emits the blade. It looked terrible, but I assume in that timeline Lucasfilm demanded it, or sued them, or something. In this reality, the lightsaber hilt is visible, and two actors hold it just like Luke Skywalker. This is a trademark violation that did not get challenged in this reality like it did in the other one. I wonder how many changes have occurred and I just don't have time to search through everything to find them? I have a huge film library. But I'll probably come across differences months from now. Frankly, this reality is more to my liking, it feels more like home to me than the place I came from.

Note from Cynthia: I'd not heard of the movie, "Star Crash," so I don't have memories of how it used to be, but I'm intrigued that you've watched this film many times, and it's made such a big change in the past six months.  Very cool that this film has something like the Star Wars light sabers, and these are held the same way now, which they weren't when you watched "Star Crash" before.  This does sound like a change for the better!  It's hard to know how many changes are happening that we're missing--I suspect quite a few.


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Hi Cynthia,
I enjoy your emails when I read them. The problem is I have trouble with the layout. It's all wrong for me and maybe others. Long paragraphs without breaks, the font size too many articles are not right (at least for me). When I find an article I think I would like I copy the text into my word processor where I can adjust it to something I can read. Anyhow, there are my thoughts.

Dear Phil,
Thank you! I am switching over to sending emails via Substack, which seems to be very good at formatting the text and graphics beautifully for a wide variety of devices.
lots of love and gratitude and good wishes for you and yours in 2024,


Hi Cynthia,
I am interested in the idea of multiple realities existing, and have recently found your writings, which have further piqued my interest, but there seems to be a damning logical conclusion at the end of all this, which I find truly disturbing. If there are an infinite amount of realities, this could be spun as a positive for the 'anything's possible' crowd, but we can't ignore the negative implications here as well. The theory would seem to suggest that there are also realities out there in which every conceivable horror is actually playing out. For example, there could be another version of me out there, just as real as the one typing this email, who is suffering his worst nightmares. In fact, there could be an infinite number of mes, all trapped in some inconceivably awful fate. I'm of the opinion that a good theory needs to be able to account for the good and the bad; that we can't ignore instances where we're led down dark paths by our own logic. Consistency is key. The suffering in this one universe is enough to create millenia of attempted theodicies, so how on earth could we grapple with the idea of an infinite number of potentially infinitely worse universes? Surely they'd have to exist for there to be an inifinite number of potentially good ones! Sorry for the downer, but I wonder what you think of this? Thanks for reading if you made it this far!

Dear Pete,
Thanks so much for writing to me with this question. If you watch my videos, you may have noticed I end most videos with my favorite question, "How good can it get?" One of the advantages of maintaining such a positively oriented focus of attention is that this can help to ensure that we experience the more enjoyable variations of possible realities, rather than the less enjoyable ones.  Based on the reality shifts that I and others have shared over the past 25 years on the realityshifters website, it seems clear that our subconscious seems to run the show when we don't steer in positive directions, so while we may occasionally get unpleasant results, at least even in those cases the results seem often to be somehow meaningful, and also not as awful as they might be. From a purely philosophical perspective, I appreciate positivity of philosophers such as Nicholas Rescher, who wrote a book called "Axiogenesis."  Axiogenesis has been defined as:  A form of metaphysical optimism in which the state of affairs which actually obtains is the one most favorable (of all possible states of affairs) to the development of intelligence and the interests of intelligent beings.
With love and blessings,


Dear Cynthia,
What exactly causes disappearing object phenomenon? I have lost a few things, including a diamond ring my mother left me. I know that no one stole it, or it dropped down a heating vent, or I mislaid it.  Could there be some "vortex" that I don't know about that opened? Thanks!

Dear Nancy,
There are many theories about what's behind the disappearing object phenomenon--aka: reality shifts, or "JOTT" (for Just One of Those Things). Over the years, people have submitted first-hand reports to realityshifters, and some have felt they had some kind of vortex going on (including in their clothing or pockets), and others have suspected elves or ghosts.  I typically ask people who are reporting such events what they were thinking and feeling at the time of the incident/event they are reporting, to better appreciate factors involved (such as high emotions, spiritual feeling of connection, etc). Wishing you a happy new year with much love,


Good morning,
Thank you for allowing people to reach you directly.  I hope you are okay. I have a concern related to Penny Kelly's recent interviews on her rumble channel.  The reason I am  asking you is because I remember you asked a question on their Quartet program and I know you do want people to understand what is happening.  I don't think I am fully grasping what is happening. If the information about the timeline split is true then is it really an opportunity for all humanity to raise to another level when so many will be left behind to cope with the horrors that are becoming more and more evident?  She mentions we will be able to exist or cross back and forth for a while before the split is more definite and we will just forget the existence of the ones not shifting with us. That will work for the ones who don't really know a split is happening.  But what about the ones that know?  I guess my worry is more personal.  I am such a sucker for the underdog that I am worried I will be more concerned for the ones who will be trapped in the misery that is unfolding now.  What will happen to them?  Will they be trapped in an  ai  controlled bug eating half life existence?  Their humanity doesn't matter?  Will I be so absorbed with them that I and others will literally miss the boat?  Not really a funny scenario but it popped into my mind. Could this have already happened at other times and we don't remember the ones left behind?  Is this what it all means all the time?  If we are all one and part of The One -  how do we just not care about the ones not shifting?  Are we just supposed to assume - again - that the individual does not matter?  That the big picture is the only story?  Or to just assume that at some time on the infinity road that the ones falling off that path eventually get reconnected to the whole - after they have been tortured by the detours. I am sorry to bother you with this but so many others  only allow access to their wisdom if you belong to their private clubs.  You seem to be one of the only ones who really care that we are all are of value. Thank you for your time,

Dear Lorraine,
Thanks so much for your email and thoughtful question.  I can certainly relate to your concern for those who seem to be trapped in unfolding miseries of all kinds.  I've been witnessing this unfolding drama since I was quite young, and had a feeling that this is the "wrong planet."  I was so certain this place was a mistake exactly because of the dissonance between what could be true (heaven on Earth) and what was unfolding (peoples' worst fears, griefs, and dramatic narratives.) Your question gets to the heart of which interpretation of quantum physics we view reality with.  If we presume there exists one objective, true reality--then we would indeed feel troubled to consider that some people are being tormented by all kinds of difficulties, and that there are people who are being 'left behind.'  From a perspective that there exists only one objective reality, this would seem to be what is happening.  From a perspective that all subjective realities truly matter, and are all being played out, then we might take consolation in the idea that everyone can be reconnected to the whole at some point, once they've fully explored all those subconsciously-directed detours. At the heart of your question, I sense a concern regarding the idea of "traps," where people find themselves stuck.  When we wonder what it must be like to live through a dead-end reality, we can take a look at the ancient Hopi Prophecy Rock, which shows people on a timeline that continues on for a short while having some detachment between their heads and bodies.  It's as if they're detached from what is happening, so perhaps that is some kind of blessing.
Lots of love and blessings,


Dear Cynthia,
When I was a kid around 1959-1963, my dad and I would go over to friends of his about once a month and while they would talk up stairs, I'd be in the basement playing on their pool table. They had one of those old reel to reel recorders and they'd have it always playing when I was there. I remember one of the songs became my favorite and I'd look forward to it playing whenever I was there. Here's the weird part. It was a song by Bruce Springsteen called, "Born to Run". If you look it up it says it didn't come out till 1975!

Dear M.D.R.,
Oh, wow--that's super fascinating! Thanks so much for sharing this experience, and clearly you're not mixing this song up with anything else, because there's no other song like it. And the time frame is super clear, due to what was going on at that time. I've heard similar reports of people seeing TV shows and hearing songs years before that would have been possible, so this is not unheard of, but it certainly is mind-boggling when it happens. Wow!


Hi Cynthia,
I am Double-subscribed to your email. I am getting TWO of the same letter. Would it be possible to fix this so I only get one email? Many Thanks. How good can it get?!

Dear JD,
Thanks so much for letting me know this is happening--that you're receiving double emails, rather than just one through Substack. I looked to see what might be causing this, and found this explanation from Substack, which may or may not help, but at least it provides us with a starting point in solving this.  Here's what they say:
    If you're receiving double emails, it's likely that you have more than one Substack account associated with more than one email address.
    Please pay extra attention to where the emails are being sent to and unsubscribe accordingly.
If this doesn't seem to apply to you and your situation, let me know, and I'll keep investigating to see how we can get to the bottom of this, and correct the problem.
lots of love,



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

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(6) Join in the Discussion

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(7) Noteworthy Web Sites

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Quantum Jumps

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