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October 2018
Issue #229

How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Live for Unmeasurables

"The most fortunate are those who have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy."
– Abraham Maslow

If you've spent time around very young children, you may have noticed the incredible joyfulness these young ones have—possibly because their natural 'Beginner's minds' have an innate awareness of how miraculous life truly is. Rather than dwelling overly much on what's wrong, small children often take a wide-eyed view of wonder and awe in each magical moment as it unfolds. These moments cannot be completely measured, captured, nor quantified, and they can feel as ephemeral and fleeting as a baby's laugh or smile. Yet people who fill their lives with moments such as these are often happiest, and feel most fulfilled.

Should it really be any wonder that the happiest people on Earth are thus the least concerned about the measurables, and the most involved with the unmeasurables? If you're not sure whether or not that could really be the case, I invite you to try a little experiment that only requires a few minutes of your time, a piece of paper and a pen.
    (1) Fold a piece of writing paper in half.

    (2) On one side of the fold, write a list of everything you can think of within just a minute or two that you most wish for that can be measured. You might include such things such as: annual income, possessions, cars, number of friends, bank balances, and anything that can be measured.

    (3) Write a list on the other side of the fold of everything you most wish for that cannot be measured. These unmeasurables might include such things as: love, peace, happiness, compassion, understanding, recognition, appreciation, meaning, humor, belonging.

    (4) Honestly consider which of those two lists actually has the most value to you, the measurables or the unmeasurables? If your life could be filled either with all of the measurables or all of the unmeasurables, which would you choose?

Looking for happiness quote
One of the things I love about this exercise is how quickly it demonstrates to me that what I'm really living for has little to do with all that I can measure, and a great deal to do with so many unmeasurables in life. We know when we use a term like “quality of life” we're attempting to address this notion, and we can start getting a glimpse of what we mean by such quality of life after doing this exercise.

A question people ask me is how they might be able to change a particular event from their past. This line of questioning could be viewed as representing a belief that if only we could change one thing back to the way it used to be, then we'd be happy. While I have seen many events from the past change, I don't actually recommend that people actively attempt to change past events. Part of this has to do with a realization that our conscious minds only know just a little bit of what's really happening in the 'big picture,' and part of this is because I have a deep spiritual faith. I know most of us don't like to face unwelcome changes, and I have also at times wished to change certain events, yet I also recognize the wisdom that when one door closes, another opens.

We can benefit from asking, “How good can it get when we stop looking for happiness in the same places we lost it?” While we may sometimes feel tempted to dwell on how events might have gone better than we'd hoped, succumbing to such temptations will likely prevent us from most fully appreciating the simple joys and wonders occurring all around.

This month there are some excellent morsels of food for thought in this article, on the topic of how different observers can witness different realities: Reimagining of Schrodinger's Cat Breaks Quantum Mechanics and Stumps Physicists.
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Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Quantum Jumps china cup ($18.95)
Feel inspired every time you drink from this Quantum Jumps cup.
This fine porcelain cup is perfect for armchair physicists and go-getters alike.
Feel the excitement of making a leap between parallel worlds of possibility!
Dimensions: 4” tall, 2.8” diameter, 10 ounce capacity
microwave and dishwasher safe.

      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "You helped me regain myself, to become grounded. I was in a state of fear and panic, a real crisis, that had been ongoing for several weeks, and you helped me to reconnect to myself and to hear my spiritual guides. Thank you!" -- Traude

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversations featuring Cynthia Sue Larson
Thursday, October 11
3pm PT / 4pm MT / 5pm CT / 6pm ET
The popular expression “quantum jump” is used in common English speech to describe a leap that is big—but to physicists, quantum jumps are tiny, discrete (indivisible), and abrupt. The idea of quantum particles is that they can exist in material form at one energy level or another, but not in between. When quantum particles are observed to make a quantum jump from one state to another, scientists watch them appear to blink on and off. Quantum jumping is the process by which a person envisions some desired result or state of being that is different from the existing situation—and by clearly observing that possibility and supplying sufficient energy, makes a leap into that alternate reality. The idea behind quantum jumping is that we are living in a multiverse of parallel universes. Usually, these alternate realities have no connection to one another. A quantum jump can be made through a kind of handshake through time and space—this connection forms a bridge that allows someone experiencing a quantum jump to physically end up in another reality. The connection is so total that a person can literally walk into another place and time. While to the universe, both of “you” still exists, your awareness of who you are coalesces in one reality, often leaving the other out of reach, out of sight, and out of mind. Does any of this seem outlandish or too far-out to be real? While quantum jumping may at first sound like an idea from science fiction, this term actually covers a wide range of experiences from the rather mundane to the truly extraordinary. As you learn more about various examples of quantum jumps, you’ll likely recognize common experiences from your daily life when you’ve made quantum jumps—often without realizing it at the time. You're invited to join me in a Quantum Conversation with host Lauren Galey to assist you in remembering your true mastery and divine purpose. We're intending that this Quantum Conversation will assist you in moving into and maintaining high vibrational frequencies of joy, unconditional love, gratitude, praise, and compassion. You can register here for the Free Quantum Conversations Series. After registering, you will receive an email from Lauren Galey for the show two hours before the event, and can listen to the replay any time:


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Water Turning On By Itself
Marshall, Michigan, USA

Our words and our thoughts have an effect on everything around us. For as long as I can remember I've experienced supernatural phenomena. I've had dreams that when they came true, right down to the last detail of my dream, it felt like a strong case of deja vu. I also believe I'm an empath, as I can feel others' energy and vibrations. I've heard voices of those that have passed on, and been totally freaked-out when I've felt their touch. I've had many experiences with the supernatural. My favorite experience happened when my daughter was two years old, when I took her to the emergency room, and she was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. They needed her to pee into a cup, and I was having difficulty getting her to do so. The nurse said they were going to put a catheter in if she didn't pee within the next 30 minutes, so we went into the restroom again, and the water turned on by itself! And this happened three times. I'm not talking about the motion-sensored faucets like what we have today. I'm talking about the good old-fashioned hot and cold handles. The ones that you literally have to turn on yourself. I remember not wanting to freak out and scare my daughter, so I casually walked over and turned off the handle. Eventually she peed in the cup, and she didn't have to get the catheter. In my mind, we were helped by someone who had passed away at the hospital; by some good old soul who didn't want to see a two-year-old baby girl get a catheter. That experience taught me that we do live in a world of duality. A world of good and bad. Not all spirits are bad; there's no need to be afraid. I have a gift, a gift from God; and I'm learning to use those gifts.

Note from Cynthia: I love the experience you describe in the hospital where the old-fashioned swivel-handle faucet kept turning the water on just when you most needed it, so your two-year-old daughter wouldn't have to endure having a catheter inserted--that is so amazing!  I have on occasion seen car doors suddenly be unlocked that were the old-fashioned (no remote control) kind, and they kept doing this several times to me one day, as I describe in my book, Reality Shifts.  These sorts of things can and do happen, and the more we pay attention to them, the more likely we are to experience them.  Though hopefully you'll just experience water running when you need it, when you're not the one who turned it on! 


Song Played on the Radio 13 Years before its Release
Bedford, Texas, USA

For some time now I've been thinking about my life as 'interdimensional surfing.' It has often seemed to me that I weave back and forth between timelines to facilitate a more positive experience of life. I did not share these thoughts with others because they seemed a little too out there. So you can imagine my surprise and enthusiasm when I happened upon your interview with Regina Meredith recently. Since that time I've watched a lot of your videos on youtube and find myself more comfortable with my own private thoughts. In 1974 I had just begun driving and the FM radio in our car was the only access I had to FM. The FM rock music phenomenon was new to our area and I enjoyed the change from the loud AM radio top 40 style I'd become accustomed to. One night I drove to my girlfriend's house. It was a windy night and there was some interference on the radio, but on the way over I heard a song that I really liked. It seemed to exemplify for me at the time a shift in the direction that music and my own approach to creative pursuits was headed. When I got to my girlfriend's house I was singing the refrain and I asked others if they'd heard the song. Nobody had. I commented on the funky sounding black female background singer. For years every once in a while that song would come to mind and I would wish I knew who had recorded it. Finally, decades later, with the advent of the internet and youtube I was able to locate the song when it resurfaced in memory a few years ago. I was very pleased to hear it again and it was exactly as I remembered it, though I hadn't heard it since I was 16. (I was in my fifties when I rediscovered it.) The song was "Somewhere Down that Crazy River" by Robbie Robertson. The funky background singer wasn't a black woman at all, but Sammy BoDean of the band The BoDeans! But, if you've heard the song maybe you can understand why I thought it was a black woman. Of course, the big thing is that the song wasn't recorded until 1987. I know I heard it that night in 1974. Thanks for letting me share this experience with you. And thanks for helping me get a better handle on this and other experiences. I don't feel trapped in my own mind about these things now.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and experience hearing such a memorable song that had such a powerful influence on your life, some 13 years before it even existed!  I'm grateful to you for sharing the details of what was going on in your life when you first heard the song, and glad you were able to later hear the song and identify who sang it, when it was recorded, and who the actual backing vocalist was. While such a first-hand report of hearing a song playing on the radio before it's yet been released might sound strange to some people, this actually is an experience that has happened to me.  The gap for me between my first hearing the song and it (finally!) actually being played on the radio was not years, but weeks or months.  And at the time I had my experience in the 1970s as a teenager, I was not able to find anyone else to seriously discuss the situation.

website text
Keepers of the Garden
Mandela Effect on RealityShifters Webpage
Marshall, Michigan, USA

I'm sending a picture that I screen shot off your website. I am also including a picture of a book I bought that was written by Dolores Cannon. A year ago I noticed here first name is now spelled different and I have a clear memory of it being spelled the way I have seen it on your web page. I just wanted to share this with you, and say how good can it get?

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for writing to me with the screenshot of a book shown on my website, "2012: Creating Your Own Shift," with a description showing a different spelling of Dolores Cannon's name--a spelling that you and I both remember, "Delores," that now clearly is not on the covers of her books, as evidenced by your photo of her book, "Keepers of the Garden."  If you hadn't written and pointed this possible reality shift out to me, I'd likely not have noticed it, as I typically tend to assume spelling differences to be some personal preference of mine.  Yet in this case, I think the more commonly preferred and most typically seen spelling of this name is "Dolores," so it's rather odd that you and I would both remember Ms. Cannon's first name to be spelled, "Delores," which is a rather unusual spelling.  Thanks so much for pointing this out!

Change in Store Name and Logo
Cathedral City, California, USA

 I just wanted to write again and say how much I enjoyed your book, Quantum Jumps. I feel it is a very important book and hope you will continue writing more books on the subject.  I'm amazed at how well this explains manifestation.  Instead of my sending out some kind of energy that somehow changes reality, my consciousness merely shifts to a universe where what I want is already there. And if I had any doubts about this a recent Mandela Effect settled the matter once and for all. I grew up in a small town in the Midwest.  Long before Walmart and Kmart, there was only Sears and J.C. Penny department stores.  I've shopped at J.C. Penny thousands of times, as recently as a few months ago.  I've seen that name and logo my entire life on storefronts, newspaper ads, and catalogues.  Imagine my shock when I saw a commercial advertising "J.C. Penney" with an extra "e"!  I rushed to my computer thinking it might be a recent name change, but no, it's always been that way in this reality!  Wow!  And a lot of other people have noticed the change too.  I even remember thinking (not knowing it was named after the founder) that they called it J.C. Penny to suggest it only cost pennies to shop there!  I never would have thought that if it was called "J.C. Penney"!

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for writing to me about your appreciation for my book, "Quantum Jumps," with the key idea that these jumps occur when consciousness shifts to a possible reality where what is desired is already there.  Thanks for sharing your experience with noticing a change in the spelling of "J.C. Penny" to "J.C. Penney" without any fanfare or special news media announcements, because apparently, this particular department store has always been spelled "J.C. Penney."  Thanks for sharing your recollection that you remember thinking that the name "J.C. Penny" was a subtle way of suggesting items purchased there were not over-priced, only costing pennies to shop there--and of course you'd not have thought that, if you'd seen the name of the store "J.C. Penney."

Quantum Jump Experiences
Vienna, Austria

First of all I want to thank you. I recently read your book, Quantum Jumps, and it´s really fantastic and enlightening. The reason for this email is that I want to share with you the experiences that I've had recently. For coincidence about three weeks ago I found in Youtuube videos regarding the mandela effect and like others I feel quite amazed for I realized these changes did happened or yet happen, in this "amazed state" I found the quantum jumping theories and materialization methods, and I decided to give the two cups methods a try with a situation that´s urgent for me to change but I can´t do anything about it. I´ll try to write shortly what I've experienced: I did the two cups method, but did it wrong (I used two filled cups, I served the actual experience water into the desired experience water, and I drank it). At that instant I started feeling like a complete different person but not only that changed, I started to have lucid dreams or more concious ones. I often dream that I live in a parallel world that is a bit different from my own, but then in the Dream, I decide to wake up, because I realise its not my reality. But not only that, in those days my physical world also changed! I live in a house with many paintings and Pictures; in my room there are two paintings with several horses in each one. In one of those paintings, the horses are painted in blue, and in the other they are painted in black. All of a sudden, the black horses painting completed changed; the horses now were blue, the painting itself was bigger, and the frame was another frame than it had been. The most amazing part of this is that while that happened for me, this painting was normal until I started remembering the original. What I mean is that I had no memories of the previous painting; days later, the original Frame and measure of the painting returned, but the horses were still blue! Until one day, the horses returned to black all of a sudden, and I asked my partner if these horses were originally painted in blue, and he told me no, those horses were painted in black, and the other in blue. Two months ago I bought a Tiny puppet horse which I have on my Desktop. This horse originally had its head a bit to the left side. In these days, the horse changed; it was the same, but its head was turned in the other direction; it returned to it's original normal position a few days ago. I noticed yet another experience in one of those days when I woke up very early and went to the bathroom. I looked up at one painting, which originally had a beige background, and saw that it was reflecting light as if the background were flourescent or something. Yet another example involved a picture which originally showed a girl far away in the distance at the beach, and now the girl has completely changed, and she now appears much closer. This change still remains, the other went back to the original state. I´ve realised also that the People are a bit different that what I remember, I mean physically. Then I've tried the two Cups method a couple more times, but now properly, for I really want to Change These Situations, I still haven´t got any manisfestation of the desired reality. I wanted to ask what could all These changes mean? It was all because I made the method wrong at the beggining? The experiences I´ve had after this Experiment were more directed to let me know the posibility of this multiverse, when having these experiences. I've read about the multiverse theory attached to the string theory, which states that there are 11 paralel universes; and going back to what I've lived, I think I maybe had a glimpse into the 7th or 8th for in these universes, past and future are different as ours and physical things also are, and exactly during this time I remember that these 'changes' weren´t changes for me; I mean for me, they were as if These Things were Always So until I started to remember my previous reality. One Picture remains changed, though. In your book (Quantum Jumps) you say that we all quantumm jump all the time, but uncounsciously, and heading backward to my past, I see you´re totally Right.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for writing to me with regard to your recent experience attempting a two-glasses-of-water technique for quantum jumping.  This technique is not one that I've (yet) recommended for people to try, nor does it appear in my books "Quantum Jumps" or "Reality Shifts," though I have some slight familiarity with having heard of people trying it.  The key to shifting realities as I've been describing it for about 20 years now comes from identifying with yourself as being consciousness, rather than identifying with yourself as merely being a physical body-with-brain.  This difference is important, since in the form of consciousness you are able to imagine possible parallel realitiies, as people do when taking placebo surgeries or drugs or placebo activities--and when you are energized and relaxed enough to make the jump in the form of pure consciousness to that reality, you are there.  I point this out so you can see that for this kind of quantum jumping, any sort of physical thing is mostly acting as some kind of prop (like a movie or stage prop) that really doesn't do anything other than give you permission to believe you're already in your desired reality.  So going back to your question as to what's going on with the surprising shifts in reality, I'd suggest you're experiencing that you really can make jumps to other possible realities, which hopefully can help you gain confidence that such jumps are real. With regard to getting a specific desired result, and what went 'wrong' with utilizing the two glasses technique, I'd suggest paying close attention to all levels of your consciousness for best results.  What I see causing the most difficulty for people is that quite often there are differences between what they know they really need (in their gut), what they most passionately desire (in their heart) and what they think they want (in their head).  As long as a person is not fully aligned so every part of their consciousness agrees, they cannot consistently get something they think they want; some further inner work is required. Thank you for sharing your observation that "for me there were as if these things were always so until I started to remember my previous reality."  Indeed, that is also how such experiences of recognition of shifting realities often feels for me, also! These quantum jumps are typically subconscious and usually go unobserved by us. Yes, quantum jumping is real, and I believe it's as completely natural to us as breathing.  For those who study how to improve breathing (martial arts masters, yoga masters, spiritual masters), this is more a process of practice than following steps in a recipe.

Jumper Disappeared, then Changed its Color
New England

My computer needed a new clock battery, and it seems like lately no one will do these repairs for me as a favor. So I had to do it myself. In the past I have watched when other people have done this for me. So I had some idea of what to do. I was all alone that afternoon, no other people or even pets. Right next to where the battery attaches inside, there is a thing called a "jumper" which normally sits pretty firmly on top of two metal pins. The jumper was small enough to need a magnifying glass to see well, but with the magnifying glass it was large and unmistakable. It was colored light blue, and it was the only jumper anywhere near the battery. The first time I looked at the jumper, it was light blue. The second time I looked, it was gone, and I thought "omg, I must have accidentally lost it" So I found a spare jumper, which fit on the pins, but was instead white-colored. The third time I looked, there was still a jumper there, but now it was black colored. All in less than 15 minutes. This was kind of creepy.

Note from Cynthia:  Thanks so much for sharing this experience with me, which sounds so very much like similar things I've experienced in which something has changed--sometimes more than once--within just a few minutes.


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

 I have been looking at your materials and I'm not sure whether you have addressed this or not - what happens to your old timeline when you change the past, and is it unethical to change the past? I am about to start working on changing the past for myself--I have come to accept the past pretty much completely, yet I can see that it will be faster and easier for me to create the present that I want to have if I am starting from a different place. I found your videos while checking into this before beginning, and--there are these ethical issues! I had really been just going to sort of imagine a different past for myself to change my subconscious, but I thought I had better check if there are any ethical implications that would make this not ok, and just curious also what happens to the "old" me, lol! Thank you!
— Sorren

Dear Sorren,
Thanks for writing to me with these questions about what happens to 'old timelines' and whether it's ethical to change the past. What I feel is essential to realize is that Nature appears to be constantly involved in 'changing the past'.  We can get a feeling for this when viewing such natural processes as photosynthesis that involve 'quantum random walks' which have the effect of going right to the optimal solution remarkably quickly.  Photosynthesis is one of an ever-growing list of natural processes that include quantum processes occurring on macroscopic (large) scales, and this indicates to me that we need not worry overly much about 'old timelines,' but rather appreciate the idea that who 'you' and 'I' truly are is not so much merely our physical bodies, but rather the consciousness capable of traveling between possible physical realities. I would like to see ethical choices being made on all levels, regardless of whether someone is influencing the past, the present, the future, or all of these.  Since most humans have relatively limited awareness of the net outcome of any of our decisions, clearly it's unfair to hold someone accountable for a full-blown 'butterfly effect' accounting of how one small choice might cause some great harm elsewhere--yet to the degree we can find it within our hearts to genuinely wish others well, I feel we will tend to find ourselves more naturally on more ethical paths. You may have noticed most of my videos on YouTube end with my hope that you can ask the question, "How good can it get?"--and this is one way to hold an intention for the best for all concerned as part of the foundation of every choice. 
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Hi, Cynthia,
Has anyone explored the possibility that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an externalization of human consciousness?  In particular a manifestation of our own tendency to externalize reality and want answers outside of ourselves instead of looking Within?
— Nathaniel

Dear Nathaniel,
In the sense that everything humans create is an externalization of human consciousness, I'm sure people must be noticing this--yet, having said that, I've not yet heard this idea presented as clearly as you state it here, with the specific point that AI is a manifestation of the human tendency to seek answers outside of ourselves.  But then there are news reports of a "Church of AI" as reported here:

Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence

Church of the A.I. God is Even Creepier than I Imagined

My personal feelings about these news stories is that looking up to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) as being close-to-God is and will always be a mistake.  I believe that only God can every truly be God, regardless how advanced AGI may one day become.
lots of love,
— Cynthia


Hi there,
I am emailing you with a lot of hope! I really need to change the past for real! I mean change one or more decisions I've made! I would give everything to have the opportunity to change something in my past or send a message to my younger self and change the present! I want to change the present by changing decisions I've made in my past! I'm referring to things related with career decisions. Do you think it is possible? Do you know about someone who had accomplished this? Can I do this (in a period of time), or am I just day dreaming? Thank you; I hope to hear from you soon!
— Dan

Dear Dan,
While it's possible for results in the past to be different than what people remember having done, in most cases people have such strong entanglements and emotions tied up in their past decisions that those decisions become 'locked in' to some degree, and thus don't tend to change.  For best results, it will be necessary for you to become so emotionally detached with all the emotions and choices you've previously made that you can easily imagine you made a different set of decisions in the past. What I actually recommend rather than fixating so tightly on narrow pathways of decision trees is to take a step or two back and view your overall situation in such a light that you can genuinely feel grateful for everything in your life exactly as it is right now.  This may seem counter-intuitive, but it's the way I've witnessed the biggest miracles in my life.  This method benefits from any sense of being part of something much bigger than you, and really takes off when you have some kind of spiritual belief, such as faith in God.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Aura Advantage: summon love
Hello, Ma'am,
Any tips on attracting your ideal partner?
— Adithya

Dear Adithya,
Yes, I have a meditation for that in my book, "Aura Advantage," that includes a description of one way to to this.  I'll include the illustration from the book, and a summary of this technique so you can get a feeling of the spirit of this meditation.  The central idea is to recognize that you are able to find and feel a connection with your ideal partner, heart-to-heart.  Take some time to clear your mind, breathe deeply, close your eyes, and put your hands on your chest above your heart.  While feeling a deep sense of love for your ideal partner, imagine that you can send your love to them, and feel their love come to you.  Keep breathing slow, steady, deep, full natural breaths while knowing that you are connected directly to them now.
Aura Advantage

lots of love,
— Cynthia


Hello, Ma'am,
Any tips on getting your dream job?
Since everything is possible in the Quantum world.
— Adithya

Dear Adithya,
Yes!  The key is first harmonizing yourself with what your head, heart, and gut all together agree is your dream job.  When you can thus visualize what it looks and feels like, and when you can passionately desire to be able to do that with all your heart and soul, and when you know you truly and deeply need this dream job--it is most assuredly yours. 
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Dear Cynthia,
I was wondering if it is possible to shift to reality with new home and new parents.Also can you shift to reality with me having a better mark in tests?
Kind regards,
— Khanyi

Dear Khanyi,
Based on the shifts in reality I've witnessed, I see no limits to what is possible.  Having said that, the practical consideration that most consistently appears to come into play has to do with our subconscious beliefs.  Our subconscious beliefs more or less run the show with regard to what we are able to experience, and how wildly the changed history varies from what our own memories inform us to be true.  So to the degree that your own subconscious mind is willing and able to accept a different history, you can experience revised histories in line with those accepted beliefs.  It seems clear to me that the long-sought-after 'mechanism' for the placebo effect is that it works along similar lines, such that dramatic improvements can be made even when people know they are taking a placebo, and can improve such things as:  visual acuity, pain management, mobility, test-taking-ability, and much more.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Dear Cynthia,
I read your posts and watched videos! How to you know all this stuff? Where did you learn that? It looks cool! I read that you wrote, ”The short answer to these questions is yes, we can change the past and yes, I’ve experienced this. I’ve seen miraculous retrocausality types of reality shifts in which a person diagnosed by doctors to be dying of cancer with just a few months left to live has no trace of cancer. I’ve watched people instantaneously heal who’d suffered from cancer, broken bones, cuts, burns, and blisters in such a way it seemed those problems never existed--as if we’d moved from one reality of disease to another of perfect health”; how is this possible?
— Danks

Dear Danks,
I'm glad you liked my posts and videos! I've dedicated the past 30 years of my life to studying metaphysical areas and topics, and the past 20 years I've been devoted to exploring the areas of mind-matter interaction involving reality shifts and quantum jumps.  These experiences are rather common for me, and I recognize that they are essential tools at this time in human history for mankind. The times I've first-hand witnessed spontaneous healing from cancer, broken bones, cuts, cataracts, burns and blisters have also appeared to me as if prior experiences/events never occurred--indeed, as if we'd moved from one reality of disease to an adjacent one of optimal health.  The scientific study of such remissions is currently underway in a field of placebo studies, such as the program I mention in my book, "Quantum Jumps," Harvard's Program in Placebo Studies and the Therapeutic Encounter hosted at  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School: The placebo studies work within our current scientific paradigm, meaning that there is an implicit set of assumptions that 'observers do not influence the experiments,' and that there are physical mechanisms that can be found to explain what is going on.  While I applaud these efforts, I do not personally believe that any full explanations for spontaneous remissions can come from a mechanistic, materialist mind-set upon which our current scientific methods are based.   My view is rather that consciousness is fundamental and primary, and that many so called 'exclusively quantum' phenomena occur at all scales, and not just in the so-called 'quantum realm.'  We thus can and often do experience such things as witnessing:  teleportation/tunneling, entanglement, coherence, teleportation, and superposition of states in observable ways in our daily lives.  This is the basis upon which I write the articles, ezine, and books that I publish, as well as the YouTube videos, and podcast radio show.  
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

While many materials are received for review, only the best get the benefit of receiving mention in RealityShifters and having a review written and posted. If you enjoy reading these reviews, please feel free to express your appreciation by clicking through these links before making purchases at, so you can help offset the costs of the RealityShifters web site and ezine. You can see some excellent metaphysical books at:

One, None and a Hundred Thousand

One, None, and a Hundred Thousand:
A Novel

by Luigi Pirandello

Brilliantly insightful take on the essence of identity

The masterpiece that is Luigi Pirandello's "One, None, and a Hundred Thousand" is at first glance the story of a man viewed by his friends and family to have gone mad, as he systematically does his best to destroy each and every one of his identifiable personas. The genius of this book is the way it brings us inside the mind of it's main character, an Italian man named Vitangelo, who becomes obsessed with the notion that his version(s) and understanding of himself are not at all the same as the personas that others believe him to be--nor are they likely who he thinks them to be. In any gathering of two people A and B, for example, we will at minimum have four definitive personas present: the person A believes A to be, the person A believes B to be, the person B believes A to be, and the person B believes B to be. In truth, there are far more likely a great deal more personas present even than that, as this fascinating novel vividly describes.


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Quantum Jumps

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