A Walk Back In Time In Moundsville
by Cynthia Sue Larson
September 4, 2000

On Halloween evening in 1989, four friends walked together through the town of Moundsville, so named for the Grave Creek burial mound -- the largest Indian burial mound that side of the Mississippi river. The friends were leaving the skating rink on 10th street, a few minutes after midnight, headed for home. This was not to be an ordinary walk home, however.

As one witness later told me, "I remember the whole incident as if it were yesterday. Things like that are hard to forget."

"Before it happened, my three teenaged friends and I were laughing and goofing off. We had just left the skating rink, which we went to every weekend, before staying at my house for the rest of the evening. I lived on 5th street at the time, and so we had to walk past the Mound on Tomlinson Avenue to get to my house."

"As we rounded the corner and began walking past the mound, we were no longer in 1989, nor was it night. It was a typical October day. The air was different... it seemed clearer and cleaner, except for the dust, which when stirred up was quite annoying. There was a rather rank smell to the place, similar to the smell of rotten meat that has been left out in the sun and must. The road was dirt and there were horse-drawn carriages and people dressed in clothing that resembled that of the early 1800's."

"There weren't many houses, and I overheard someone say something about Elizabethtown (the original name of Moundsville). I saw lots of trees covering the mound, and people were wearing plain clothing that was rather drab in color. The women wore dresses and hats. People were going towards the old West Virginia State Pen, talking about going to see the hanging. Public hangings were a major social event back in the 1800's around here -- people would bring picnic baskets and their families and gather on what is now 8th street to view the hangings. I heard people talking about the hanging, and seeing them heading over towards that area. "

"One of my friends touched a dog's head, and said it felt like touching Jell-O. A carriage passed through us, and felt cold and like water almost... but not wet. The best way to describe the feeling is that it was like being in a hot tub with the massagers on full blast... and the streams of water make ripples on your skin."
"Needless to say, the four of us were frightened. We were in this other time for just a few minutes... we continued walking past the mound (which was still there in this other time), and as soon as we passed it, we were back in our time and ran home to tell my family what had happened."

"After we were back in our own time, we saw my mom and a friend of the family, who was coming after us because we were late getting home. My mom said she was worried about us, because we were late getting back from the skating rink. She said that they left the house at 20 after 12 to come look for us. The were walking in the direction of the mound on Tomlinson, the same street we were on, and didn't see us. When they finally saw us, we appeared in the intersection of Tomlinson and 7th, which would have been around 12:30, so we must have been there for half an hour, but it all seemed to happen so fast. They asked where we'd been hiding, and that's when we told them what happened to us."

"The only proof we had to offer was the dirt on our shoes and jeans. It was a tan, dusty color and there was no way we could have picked it up in our time, because the streets are paved and the yards are full of grass... and there was no dirt like that accessible for a couple of miles. We were quite shaken up, and began telling them everything, as we made them run home with us."

"After that, my friends and I started to drift apart, and we NEVER walked that route together again... we went the long way around. I don't know why it happened."

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Copyright Cynthia Sue Larson
About this author: I'm an inspirational paranormalist. I write articles for Magical Blend and Parabola magazines, as well as Conscious Creation Journal, Planet Lightworker, Themestream and Enlightenment.com on the internet. I am the author of the forthcoming book REALITY SHIFTS, with preface by physicist and best-selling author Fred Alan Wolf. I have an MBA in Information Systems and an AB in physics. My passion is helping people realize how our thoughts and feelings change the physical world. Visit my RealityShifters web site and subscribe to the (free!) monthly ezine, RealityShifters News, at http://realityshifters.com/