Why Reality Shifts
by Cynthia Sue Larson
September 7, 2000

Reality Shifts

Why Reality Shifts

Physics is a science, and as such, it's answers will be ever-changing. We can find eternal answers in spiritual teachings by enlightened men and women who have understood the basic truths about the nature of reality. In other words, we may think we finally know what's going on according to the latest discoveries in science, yet each new discovery is just a step on a path of ever-greater understanding. Wise spiritual teachers have long known that reality shifts with our thoughts and feelings.

All matter has a quantum nature

Quantum mechanics does not merely apply to the realm of the very small. Physicists working on finding the theory of everything (TOE) are currently working to unify quantum physics with relativity... so that one theory can explain the physical behavior of everything from the tiniest subatomic particles to the biggest celestial bodies. As physicist David Greene writes from the perspective of a physicist on the front-lines of the TOE quest in his book, The Elegant Universe:

These physics pioneers on the cutting edge of finding the TOE believe that our universe most likely consists of many more than the three spatial dimensions we are familiar with... and that many more dimensions lie hidden all around and inside us, curled up.

Quantum behavior changes our assumptions about reality

Our old assumptions about the true nature of reality don't work in the realm of the very small ("quantum")... so that means they need to be replaced with better assumptions. Experiments in quantum physics have proven that assumptions of locality, causality, objectivity, and material monism (only matter matters) are incorrect. Better assumptions at the quantum level are:

Mind and Matter are inseparable

What is really happening at the quantum level?

There are four leading quantum theories, all of which work equally well at predicting the behavior of quantum particles. Whichever interpretation you prefer, remember that it describes quantum particles as behaving non-locally according to probabilities... and every time an observer makes any measurement, that observation changes the world.

Copenhagen Interpretation

The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics was first described and presented by Niels Bohr in Italy in 1927. Bohr suggested that quantum particles exist as waves which might be anywhere until the wave function is collapsed. As long as nobody looks, each quantum particle is equally distributed in a series of overlapping probability waves, in a superposition of states.

Many Worlds Interpretation

In the 1950's, Hugh Everett III proposed that every possibility inherent in each wave function is real, and that ALL of them occur. Possibilities become actualities with each measurement that is made, and infinite slightly different realities come into existence as each quantum event is observed. All possibilities are equally real.

Transactional Interpretation

John Cramer's transactional interpretation of quantum physics suggests that "handshakes" take place between quantum particles in different points in time and space. In Cramer's interpretation, a particle here and now on Earth instantaneously communicates with particles light-years away in time and space, as one particle sends an "offer" wave and another responds with a "confirmation" wave.

Holographic Interpretation

Physicist David Bohm and neurophysiologist Karl Pribram proposed that the universe may be like a giant hologram, containing both matter and consciousness as a single field. This model suggests that the objective world "out there" is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies which appears solid to us only because our brains convert that enfolded hologram into an unfolded sense of material we can perceive with our senses.

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Copyright Cynthia Sue Larson
About this author: I'm an inspirational paranormalist. I write articles for Magical Blend and Parabola magazines, as well as Conscious Creation Journal, Planet Lightworker, Themestream and Enlightenment.com on the internet. I am the author of the forthcoming book REALITY SHIFTS, with preface by physicist and best-selling author Fred Alan Wolf. I have an MBA in Information Systems and an AB in physics. My passion is helping people realize how our thoughts and feelings change the physical world. Visit my RealityShifters web site and subscribe to the (free!) monthly ezine, RealityShifters News, at http://realityshifters.com/