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Your RealityShifter Stories
Page 184

Quantum Jumps
The hundreds of first-hand accounts of reality shifts (aka: mind-matter interaction MMI, quantum jumping, glitches in the Matrix) on this and the following pages have been collected and shared through Cynthia Sue Larson's RealityShifters since 1999. Special issues focusing on particular types of reality shifts (such as: the Dead seen Alive Again, Seeing Loved Ones Before They Arrive, Invisibility, Walking through Walls, etc.) can be found by browsing through the RealityShifters archives and subscribing to the (free) monthly ezine. Hundreds of stories are reported here in this "Your RealityShifter Stories" section of this web site, and the phenomenon is documented in the best-selling books, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World, and Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity.

Doctors Office Moves: Another Parallel World
Farmington, New Mexico, USA

Over a year ago, I drove my sister's mother-in-law to the doctor's office up on Thirtieth Street in a medical office complex. This doctor's office is in the last suite on the east end of the complex: Urology. We went up to the door entrance and found that it was locked, and the suite was void of furniture and people--it was virtually empty. It turns out his office had moved to another suite in the complex. Well, today I had an appointment at his office, so I naturally went to the suite at the end. I was with a friend, and I said, “Oh, remember they moved their office to another suite.” My friend replied, “Yes.” So we went up to the door, and made our way to the suite on the east end where it had always been before. Well it was open was like they never moved. Yup; another parallel world.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing this experience of visiting a doctor's office that moved--and moved back--as if it had never moved at all! While it's possible that an office might move down to another part of the complex for a while in order that repairs could be made, it doesn't sound like this is what happened--especially since you'd surely have then noticed that of course some remodelling had been done. But when everything is just the same as it used to be, despite having for a short time having been completely relocated to another wing--now that definitely does sound like a reality shift!


Doctors Office Moves: Another Parallel World
Farmington, New Mexico, USA

About a month ago. I was looking for my keys to my vehicle. Than found them on the coffee table put them in my pocket was gathering things for the day my person that I take care of who's name is John saw me get them. We were about to leave. I reached in my pocket for my keys. Than I could not find them. I emptied both pockets. Than looked in the bathroom. The kitchen the living room. Nothing in my hands. John said you had them. As I decided to sit down a moment right in front of both of our very eyes. Appeared the keys in my left hand. We both were surprised me holding up the h lets to my vehicle. The Explorer. I said to John did you see that ! John said, yes ! Went on talking about it for some time. So theirs another reality shift. A blink as it were the teleportation effect.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for writing, and sharing this recent experience with your keys. How absolutely amazing for both you and John to witness your keys appear in your left hand, and how astonishing that John saw this occur, too! I've had a similar experience with witnesses observing things appear 'out of thin air' as it were, so I know how surprising and mind-opening such an experience can be!

Brookings Institute is No More
Colorado, USA

I listen to NPR in the car often and they frequently have commentary by people from The Brookings Institution. For some reason, I thought it was called The Brookings Institute. Is it just me or, does anyone else recall it that way?

Note from Cynthia:Here's a great reality shift / Mandela Effect for frequent listeners of NPR, and I'd love to hear from people who also recall advertisements for "The Brookings Institute" that apparently is no more—or has now 'always been known as' "The Brookings Institution." I've just checked articles in the New York Times going back over the past 100 years of the Brooking's existence, and found that orignially it was called the Brookings Institute, but between 1935 and 1939 it switched over to Brookings Institution. The "Brookings Institution" just sounds wrong to me; I don't remember it this new-yet-has-supposedly-always-been-this way.

Beethoven's Earliest Works

All my life since my late teens, I've been an amateur 'Beethoven Scholar'. And all the while I thought that compared to Mozart, Beethoven was a bit of a "late bloomer", which practically all his works composed after his 20's when he traveled to Vienna. You can imagine how it felt like I had walked into a parallel reality ever since I stumbled upon Beethoven's earliest works, written back to when he was only 12. And what WORKS! The actually exceed young Mozart's in technical challenge and depth! And more of his works from his younger years kept showing up "out of the blue". Each of them masterworks. Truly remarkable stuff. That's my direct experience with parallel realities. I had the names of his LETTERS memorized, from his infamous "Heiligenstadt Testament" to his celebrated "Immortal Beloved", to say nothing of his works. I had them memorized down to Opus numbers. I was literally SURE he couldn't have composed much if anything at all in his pre-Vienna days. Then this comes along, and he wrote it when he was only 12!!!! Listen to the profundity and the maturity, and the technical savviness of the work! hahaha
Then there is this gorgeous Concerto when he was only 14 (this is the third movement): It outmatches anything Mozart wrote by that age.

Note from Cynthia:Thank you so very much for sharing your experience noticing ever-earlier compositions by Beethoven--despite your having been following the works of Beethoven for many years, and despite having previously known Beethoven to be a "late bloomer" with regard to mostly having done his best work in his 20s. But not anymore, apparently--history has changed! And now that you mention all this, I am feeling a sense of wonder and astonishment that this change has occurred, and there are more and more of Beethoven's work from younger years showing up all the time. And I take it they are appearing as if they've "always been there." How marvelous! Do you know how old Beethoven currently was when writing these early masterworks?

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