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Your RealityShifter Stories
Page 238

Quantum Jumps
The hundreds of first-hand accounts of reality shifts (aka: mind-matter interaction MMI, quantum jumping, glitches in the Matrix) on this and the following pages have been collected and shared through Cynthia Sue Larson's RealityShifters since 1999. Special issues focusing on particular types of reality shifts (such as: the Dead seen Alive Again, Seeing Loved Ones Before They Arrive, Invisibility, Walking through Walls, etc.) can be found by browsing through the RealityShifters archives and subscribing to the (free) monthly ezine. Hundreds of stories are reported here in this "Your RealityShifter Stories" section of this web site, and the phenomenon is documented in the best-selling books, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World, and Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity.

Leaves Falling from Heaven
Bruce Zboray
Trumbull, Connecticut, USA
I met you as a guest on Kryon's Healing Circle of 12 a few weeks ago. Since then, I have been following your work and enjoying it greatly, especially on youtube. I have long been interested in reality shifting - early interest in the Heart Math work and the Princeton Consciousness Project, Dr Emoto's work, Dr. David Hawkins work, muscle testing, etc, many decades ago. I, too, have been collecting "Reality Shift" stories. I've been calling them "New Earth Now" stories. Many of my own and some of other people. I keep these on our website. In 2011, I was sitting on a bench in our garden, under some large trees. It was summer, and everything was green. I looked down and was surprised to see three golden-yellow leaves, oval with ragged edge, moist and soft. I was amazed, because no-where else above or below were there any other yellow leaves, and it was far from Fall yet. I picked one up, held it reverently, and said very sincerely, "Thank you". Within one second, another identical yellow leaf fell into my lap. Feeling utterly transported into another realm, I said again, "Truly, thank you." Right before, I was trying to "reach" higher, to be one with heaven and earth, to be free of health drama and other drama. During this experience, I was incredibly grateful to find the three leaves on the ground, because Fall is my favorite time of year. And when the fourth leaf fell into my lap, I was overcome with joy—knowing I was in a moment of grace and greatness.

Note from Cynthia: Thank you for sharing so many beautiful experiences you've had, and it seems they have special places on your heartspeak website, too! Your experience receiving a couple of golden-yellow leaves out of the sky on a day when all surrounding trees only had green leaves is so beautiful!  I love your presence of mind to feel amazed and grateful at such unexpected splendor.


Sweetening Water
Bruce Zboray
Trumbull, Connecticut, USA
One day I took a glass of water, held it in my hands, and talked to it as if it were alive. I thanked it for entering into my cells, and giving me life and energy, and for living in me. Then I sipped the water. It tasted sweet. The water was physically transformed. A similar thing happens with home cooking, whereby the food is made with loving intention, and then you can "taste the love." I did not hear anything, but I did feel a reflected back wave of perhaps love, gratitude, a sense of "at last, you understand." -- And a kind of "unity" and "oneness" with the water.

Note from Cynthia: This experience of sweetening water is wonderful, since you clearly were aware of the positive influence of your thoughts and feelings on the water, through thanking it, and talking to it as if it possessed consciousness. It seems there are no limits to reality shifts people experience.  Even in writing my email reply to your email, I encountered a reality shift involving what I remember that I'd included in one of my books, which I remember was Aura Advantage (my book about energy fields), where I described how I'd been eating salad one day, and my salad 'spoke' to me.  I was quite clear that I'd received a communication from my green salad, and was moved to tears by this experience.  I remember not only that this vignette was included in my book, but also that I used to receive emails from people who were quite shaken that I'd had a conversation with my salad.  These emails were typically from vegetarians, who were quite rattled at the thought that vegetables might be sentient, conscious beings.  I mention all this because I cannot now find any place where I've included this meaningful experience of mine in any of my books.  This is the sort of thing I observe in other peoples' books, and of course I'm open to experiencing this in my books, as well, so it's fine with me that it happens.   As to the "why" of it all, I'd say we're experiencing reality shifting in response to not just our own thoughts and feelings, but also those of other conscious agents--some of whom might feel upset hearing that vegetables and salads are conscious, too.  So now that story is no longer included in any of my long-published books!

Ross shirt
Photo of me wearing a shirt I've never seen before
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Here is a photo of Bob and me and I suspect shows another reality shift. My shirt looks well-worn, but I have no memory of it. Magnifying it shows a spacy drawing with the bottom word being, "Electrofest." I did attend an Electrofest in 2006 and 2007. It was a three-day conference of experimental computer music. Part of the wall of my enclosed porch had photos of family and friends posted on it. After my wife died last year, I had the photos removed, and the wall repainted. Later I looked more closely at this photo. I would word my reaction even more strongly. I never saw that tee shirt in my life before!

Note from Cynthia: I love the photo you sent of the two of you--you truly look like friends in that picture!  And how interesting that you don't recall that shirt  you were wearing in the photo. That is extremely interesting to be wearing such a well-worn shirt from an event you remember having attended, yet you don't recall ever having seen this shirt before in your life!

Glass Reappearing and Disappearing
Somerville, Massachusetts, USA

I'm not normally someone who believes in things without solid evidence. But I believe I shifted realities a while ago, and now am back in whatever "original" reality I'm from. What tipped me off was the number of drinking glasses I have. When I moved into my apartment in Somerville, MA in 2017, I purchased a set of drinking glasses that had four tall glasses in the set. Because they were all I had, I was always aware of them, washing and returning them to the cupboard practically every day. As inevitably happens, a guest broke one in late 2018 (possibly early 2019), and I was left with three glasses. Then in 2021, another guest broke a 2nd glass, leaving me with two. I remember both of these instances because they were two separate people. And I had to hurry up and clean each breakage to avoid injuries. I remember each guest feeling badly. Then about six months ago (Spring 2022), I was taking glasses from my dishwasher and returning them to the cupboard. But I noted that I now had three glasses again. I found this extremely weird because I could still remember the two guests had each broken one glass. How could I still have three? I even mentioned this to my mom, though she doesn't remember. Then today, I was again emptying the dishwasher, and I now only have two glasses. I was immediately startled. I searched all over my apartment for the third glass, but it is nowhere. I distinctly remember over the last several months being confused about why I had three glasses. Now today, I'm back to two glasses. I don't know what this means, or even how to prove it. But I read a story about you collecting evidence for the Mandela Effect. I am totally convinced something weird has happened.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience with the reappearing / disappearing glass.  I can empathize with your being so clear on tracking how many of those drinking glasses were unbroken in the cupboard, so that when first one and then another broke, of course you'd be aware of how many there were. 

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