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Your RealityShifter Stories
Page 6

Reality Shifts
The hundreds of first-hand accounts of reality shifts (aka: mind-matter interaction MMI, quantum jumping, glitches in the Matrix) on this and the following pages have been collected and shared through Cynthia Sue Larson's RealityShifters since 1999. Special issues focusing on particular types of reality shifts (such as: the Dead seen Alive Again, Seeing Loved Ones Before They Arrive, Invisibility, Walking through Walls, etc.) can be found by browsing through the RealityShifters archives and subscribing to the (free) monthly ezine. Hundreds of stories are reported here in this "Your RealityShifter Stories" section of this web site, and the phenomenon is documented in the best-selling book, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World.

The Power of Prayer:
Vanishing Cancerous Growth

by Kamala
Birmingham, Alabama

In July of 1992, I began to feel pain in my right breast. My Gynecologist told me it was nothing, but ordered a mammogram. The following week I had to have another mammogram. The week after that, I went to see a surgeon. He let me read the Radiologist report, which said that "based on shape and density this is either a cancerous or pre-cancerous growth". Surgery was scheduled for the following Monday, which was the first week of August.

My family, boss, and co-workers were all concerned, as was I, since at the time my child was only eight years old.

My boss invited me to go to church with her. They were having a preacher that did a laying on of hands ministry. I was skeptical at first. But when he touched my head I begin to cry, and pray in earnest. From that point on I did not worry. I was unconcerned. When the biopsy came back negative for cancerous or pre-cancerous cells, I was not surprised. From the moment he touched me, I believed that he had a gift. I don't know if it was my faith in the unknown, or if the Radiologist made a mistake, but I will always believe in my heart of hearts that it was the prayers that were being said for me.

Aluminum Barn Suddenly Appears
by Randy
San Bernadino, California

I think I came across a reality shift: a big aluminum barn-like structure appeared just at the mouth of a country road. It wasn't there, and then suddenly it was. I don't have anything as direct as your experience in the park, in the sense that I wasn't in the habit of driving through the space it occupied, but at the very least I can not recall seeing it, but friends can.

When I first saw it, it seemed so strange, but after hearing a friend say that it's been there since they moved in a few months ago, it seems the memory is coming to me -- that it is after all so reasonable, easy to accept. But on the other hand I would have recognized it, because the way I see all the other houses is changed, the way the shadows play on them is different. This could have been a perceptual lapse, but if it is, it seems almost as strange. Why drive by something so huge and so singular, the only structure on one side of a country road and not notice it? It provides shade in the heat, it's also ugly and makes the area kind of slummish, not perceptions I've had previously. Why was the impression so late in coming?

It is interesting to note that I was meditating during this period, and my friends and I had a blow out and while I resolved to maintain some aspects of the relationship, I had not expected to come to their house again. But my friend called and was very good with an apology, and so I found myself easily coming back down the road, and there stood the structure. So I asked my friends how they put it up so quickly, knowing that it looked like it had been put up with age added. The direction, the emotional heat, the meditation, and the quick change all seem to be pointing something out. Also, I had the feeling that the relationship had been somehow reconfigured.

Vanishing Tail-Gaters
by Claire
Brookville, Ohio

I drive about 10 miles through farmland until I get into the city each day to get to work. There have been many occasions where I am being tail-gated by someone who just does not want to maintain the country speed limit which is about 45 to 50 mph. When someone is tail-gating me I send them an intense, mental message to "back off" and then just ignore them. I do not know how many times after I send this mental messages that I will glance into my rear view mirror and find the tail-gater is gone and I am alone on the road. Since there are few, if any, side roads, it seems as though either they disappeared or I did, into a different space.

Missing Watch Returns
by Ursula
Bombay, India

The 'Guess?' watch came to me in an impressive case and has metal strap which could, if one did not know better, be mistaken for solid gold.

On Tuesday, the 18th July, 2000, I opened my desk drawer and saw the watch lying squashed between a paper clip box and a stamp pad.

The watch-strap bites into my skin. I hardly wear this watch. But it was a present, so it needs to be cherished. I must put it away nicely, I thought, as Janak walked into the room.

Janak is the young man who looks after my computer hardware. He had come to take my printer for repairs. I was out of the room for a while and Charlotte (the young maid who lives in) was in briefly while Janak was alone. Then I came back and Janak went out to make a phone call and I opened the drawer to take out the watch.

It was not there!

After I looked and looked again, I called Charlotte to empty the drawer. There are lots of things inside - from ink to pens, to envelopes to tapes and rubber bands and diaries and batteries and calculators to pins and matches and well you name it, it s a real multi-purpose drawer.

The watch was not there!

It was only because I very recently remembered and shared an experience I had as a teenager (a pound of butter) I did not raise the alarm.

"You must have put it into your bag." Said Charlotte. I knew I had not, but nevertheless checked the bag. This had very recently undergone a "clean out" and only contained my keys (in the pocket with zip), my wallet and a coin purse. Not much to check. The watch of course was not there.

My husband and friends suspected theft. I held firm, believing it was a reality shift and the watch would come back. But why did it go? Was this a test?

Yesterday I opened the zip pocket to take out a key. I looked into the zip pocket to take out a key, and saw there was nothing except the keys. The pocket is quite small.

On the 25th of July, 2000, I opened the zip pocket and there was the watch!

Missing Keys Appear
Toronto, Canada

I've been recieving your reality shifters newsletter and I must say, have been finding the stories and tips to be a great benefit to me and those around me. I want to tell you about an incident in a hotel room outside of Boston. Keys had "gone missing". My mom was about to get REALLY mad. I stopped, remembering the lessons I learned from you and reality shifts. I relaxed, put love in my heart....the keys were underneath a newspaper... but I looked there... it seemed they magically re-appeared. I smiled to myself.... remembering you. Thank you so much.

Finding The Perfect Car
Santa Ana, CA

I started nosing around your site, read a couple of your articles, and found this:
1. Pay Attention
The world seems full of whatever we focus our attention on. When you're thinking of buying a new car, you see the kind of car you're thinking of almost everywhere you go. Be sure to start looking for evidence that indicates your wishes and prayers are being answered.
And you know what? I must say maybe it's true! Three years ago I was driving a 73 Dodge Charger that no matter where I parked it, someone hit it. It got so bad that my neighbors called it 'the pi3ata'. I was so ashamed to park and get out of the car at school (I was trying to get my degree), that I would look around to be sure no one was looking. (lol!) Well, my social security disability was approved, and I found I was able to get another car.

I decided I wanted a Honda 4-door with heater, air, electric doors and seat and a big trunk. I had $2000, and knew I would not be able to find what I wanted -- although I looked and looked. My credit union offered to loan me another $2000, but I knew I still wouldn't be able to find 'the' car for that without having more for the tax and tags and extra's. I looked and looked some more. But all I found were junk cars.

Finally, at about 8 PM one night, I wasn't even looking for the car, but just rode out -- trying to find where I had seen a specific car lot, so I could try it the next day. I didn't find it, so I turned into a Jeep Dealer to turn around (knowing a new dealer would not have anything I could afford). The salesman flagged me down, and I told him "Yes, I am looking for a car, but I want a Honda", and described what I was looking for. He told me to park and follow him.

In the back lot he had a grey 1990 Mercury Topaz, and it had "4dr, heater, air, electric doors and seat and a big trunk", and most amazingly of all was that the body style looked like a Honda! The car seemed to be the car of my dreams! The price on the window was $4800. I told him it was too much. I said I could only pay $4000 out the door. They offered to finance and I told them "No", that I had financing and was not going over the $4000 I had available to me. After about 45 minutes, the manager came in and brought the cost down to $3300, so after tax and license the total out the door of the car was exactly $4000! I drove the car home! All the way home I kept saying "I bought a car!" "I bought a car!"

I wasn't seeing my car everywhere I went, but it was sitting there on that back lot, all covered in dust, just waiting for me to take that ride late at night and accidentally turn in and find it.... Now if I could only find my lost doorbell.... ~(';')~ Maybe it's not sleepwalking after all..?

From A Non-Believer

Cool site...but I don't really believe them. Sorry and no offense. But one thing... my only 2 Pokemon cards suddenly disappeared. Weird. Then you e-mailed me. Very weird. Ah well.

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