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Excellent Metaphysical
RealityShifters News - January
Changing the Physical Universe With Our Thoughts and
Teleporting Ourselves Through Time
& Space
"According to Born and more than half a century of subsequent
experiments, the wave nature of matter implies that matter
itself must be described fundamentally in a probabilistic manner.
For macroscopic objects like a coffee cup or the roulette wheel,
de Broglie's rule shows that the wave-like character is virtually
unnoticeable and for most ordinary purposes the associated quantum-
mechanical probability can be completely ignored."
-- Brian Greene, THE
Some of the most exhilarating reality shifts have to do with
teleporting ourselves through space and time. I'm not referring
to the regular kinds of trips or vacations in which we jump into
a car or plane and go somewhere, but the kind of trip where we
travel instantaneously and sometimes spontaneously. These are
the kind of trips in which the wave-like character of matter
cannot be easily dismissed or ignored.
Such shifts can feel disorienting to those who experience them,
yet also quite exciting. If the transportation occurred
spontaneously, one finds oneself suddenly in another place or
time wondering, "How can such things be possible?" How, indeed.
Bob Toben's wonderful out-of-print book, SPACE-TIME AND BEYOND,
(in conversation with physicists Jack Sarfatti and Fred Alan
Wolf) has this to say about teleportation: "Teleportation of
large objects would require a coherence in which all the
constituent particles jump together in phase. Normally, atomic
quantum jumps can be pictured as materializations and
dematerializations of electrons from one space-time path to
another. The jump appears to be discontinuous in ordinary
space-time because in the course of the jump the electron moves
along a tachyonic spacelike path that lies outside the light
cone and connects the initial and final timelike paths that lie
inside the light cone. The coherence in large-scale jumps
would be similar to that found in superconductors. This
coherence consists of an order in the motion of the pairs of
electrons that constitute the supercurrent."
I find the teleportation stories in this month's RealityShifters
News to be especially intriguing, and am proud to be able to
share them with you.
Wishing you all the best in this new year,
Cynthia Sue Larson
In This Issue:
(1) Intriguing Articles
(2) Your Reality Shift Stories
(3) Books That Shift Your Reality:
(4) Join in the Discussion
(5) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
(1) Intriguing
by By Alan Boyle
Massive objects like black holes and neutron stars warp space and time,
astronomers report in two new studies.
by Jim Holt, New York Times
Researchers at Columbia University announced their finding that
women in a Korean fertility clinic were almost twice as likely
to get pregnant when, without their knowledge, strangers prayed
for their success. The praying strangers were members of various
Christian denominations in the United States, Canada and Australia.
They were given pictures of the patients for whose pregnancy they
were entreating God, but no other identifying information. Women
in the prayed-for group had a pregnancy rate of about 50 percent,
versus 26 percent for women in the control group.
Bernice Yeung, SF WEEKLY
Dr. Elisabeth Targ's newest study of the effects of prayer
is now underway at the California Pacific Medical Center;
some people don't believe science can study distant healing.
Shankar Vedantam, Washington Post
A new study conducted in the Netherlands is based on interviewing
hundreds of patients who were resuscitated after suffering clinical
death as their hearts stopped, documenting experiences as they happen.
(2) Your Reality Shift
Mount Shasta, California
Hi, my name is Kay. I have so many stories! It is common for
us here in the Mt. Shasta area to notice many anomalies and
A few years ago I had a job driving to Ashland, Oregon, twice a week.
The commute for this job took much time, but was pleasing to me.
I started experimenting around with time travel. I said a mantra, and
then saw the time I wanted to arrive at a place in my mind... and then
created a kind of worm hole... or like in time shifter series... with
a center and seeing myself going through it. I wouldn't turn on the
radio or watch the car clock, so as not to disturb my intention.
It was amazing and so much fun to arrive at places earlier then I
should have been there.
One time I went on my travels and had many stops on the way home, but
kept doing my mantra... and arrived back home at such an early hour
that my boss couldn't believe I had even been gone. I was working on
doing it over and over until I actually got back just after I left,
so I would still have the day to do other things. I didn't get quite
to that point when I left the job, but was getting interestingly
Another time I had an appointment at a city that was at least 45
minutes away, and I was rushing. It was important that I get there
on time, so I did my time travel thing and got there in 19 minutes.
Plenty of time... so I began to understand our "illusion" of time.
And these times I did this, I simply traveled at the normal rate of
speed as was allowed by the traffic rates... as I don't like speeding
tickets... and while it seemed like I was traveling just like other
people, somehow, I always get there faster.
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Sidman, Pennsylvania
Reading the realityshifters website reminded me of a time when I
believe I had a reality shift, or some type of strange experience.
My family was getting a new house, and so a lot of things were
changing around our house. The other house was already there, and
our old house was moved forward, and they took the porch that was
with our old house and put that on our new one, so there was no
porch, and we were still living in the old one until the new one
had electricity and heat. So, my mother made steps up to our old
house's front door out of bricks, or block type things. There were
only a few so the height from the top brick to the actual front door
of the house where you step in was high.
One day, we were about to leave somewhere, and I was standing at
the door of the old house, waiting to go. The bricks were still
being used as steps and the top brick was probably about a foot
down below me. So, thinking we were leaving at that second, I
opened the door, and forgetting the porch was not there... stepped
out and this is where the shift started.
First, the second my foot stepped out of the house... I lost all
consciousness of physical things and could not hear or feel a thing,
and time seemed to slow to no time... or slow time, and it seemed
that five or ten seconds later... which was actually a split second
in physical time, I woke out of the strange state standing on that
top brick, with full balance and my mother hanging onto the back
of my shirt! I don't see how she could have gotten to me that
quickly, I don't see how I could have kept my balance, and I also
think the time change was strange.
by Alijandra
One afternoon rush hour on my way back from work several years ago, I
was traveling on Freeway 280 in the downtown San Jose, California area.
I was singing along to a cassette tape playing Maureen McGovern's "Can
You Read My Mind?" from the Superman soundtrack; it's a three minute
song. As I sang along with Maureen, I was thinking of Saint Germain
(since he does fit the Superman image, and reads minds, too!) I
glanced at the clock and it was 4:42 PM. I planned to go to my bank
on Montague, an exit off of Freeway 680. 280 turns into 680 after the
Freeway 101 interchange.
About half way through the song, I remember blinking, feeling a
moment's disorientation, and seeing Highway 237 as I passed by it.
My first thought was "when did they put another entrance to Highway
237 in?" My second thought was "Don't be silly, there is no 237 where
101 should be!" My next thought was "This really is 237 and I just
passed my turnoff two exits back". I glanced down at the clock and it
was still 4:42 pm, and the song was still playing. I got off at the
next exit, Jacklin Road, then back on freeway 680.
I was approximately seven miles farther down the road then where I had
been a few seconds earlier!
I have ruled out the theory of missing time because there was no time
missed. Even if the clock had stopped (which it hadn't), the song on
the tape was still playing. It had not been rewound by me, or stopped
and started again.
What I realized happened was a classic teleportation -- car and all.
No easy feat I would think, as it was a crowded freeway. I can't
imagine what synchronized timing it must have taken to make sure that
my car and I didn't land on another car! Or what drivers near me on
both ends of the equation must have wondered about their sanity if
suddenly the car in front of them isn't there, or when a vehicle
suddenly materializes in front of you.
One could hope for them that they were sufficiently blunted by the
work days' events that they didn't notice a thing!
I have had a number of other teleportations, but they were always
multi-dimensional in nature; in other words, between dimensions,
rather than on the earth plane itself. It had happened before,
but was not common like the interdimensional movement of my physical
form. I feel this one happened because I was in a sufficiently
uplifted state of being. While spontaneous, it appeared to be a
higher-self induced experience.
The process of teleportation involves the act of moving physical
matter from one place to another, often through "solid" matter.
(But, as quantum physics tells us, there is no such thing as solid
matter.) It is the instantaneous movement of the entire physical
body from one space to another. It is not an out-of-body experience.
There are numerous documented cases of teleportation, many
spontaneous in nature. Unplanned teleportations may involve the
electromagnetic ley lines which crisscross the earth which might
distort the time/space continuum, allowing for the physical body
to suddenly shift in density. One's body then behaves like sub-
atomic particles that can be instantaneously somewhere else;
something that has been modestly demonstrated in our laboratories.
Conscious teleportation was mastered by some well-known adepts
such as the Compte de St. Germain of 18th century Europe, Padre Pio
of 20th century Italy, and Babaji (multiple centuries) of the
Himalayas, and many lesser known persons. What distinguishes them
from the spontaneous teleporters is their master-level spiritual
enlightenment. Spiritual devotion is always their first priority
and the bodily shifts occur as a natural by-product. There is a
conscious command over the experience that comes to them as they
master teleportation, and their planned destination is consciously
These enlightenment beings prove to us that the psi arts are not
only possible but probable. These gifts are emerging quite naturally
in the New Age of quantum awareness and spiritual growth.
The practice of teleportation helps one to understand the fluidity
of matter, stretching our boundaries of limited experience to one of
unlimited perspective. This will contribute to increasing our wisdom and
connection to the One.
) Emerald Star Publishing and Alijandra. All rights reserved.
From an untitled manuscript in progress.
Alijandra is a multiple modalities healer, teacher, and author
based in the San Jose bay area. Intuitive and empathic her whole
life, she originally trained as a registered nurse. She has focused
her attention the last 14 years to the development and practice of
color energy therapy. She is the author of HEALING
(3) Books that Shift Your
There are more than 50 books reviewed at realityshifters.com
(including THE
and books written by Fred Alan Wolf).
When you order books after first clicking through the
realityshifters site, you support the costs of distributing this
ezine. Check out some of the best books to help you better
understand reality shifts at:

Would you like to discuss teleportation and reality shifts?
Share your ideas with us at the realityshifters group at yahoo.
We'd love to hear from you!
(5) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
FREE BOOK on Mind, Body, Spirit Healing by Gary Sinclair
YOUR EMPOWERING SPIRIT is now available FREE at http://www.cyberphysiology.com/
to for anyone to download who is wishing to shift their reality and learn
the processes of healing. MS paralyzed eighty percent of Gary Sinclair's
body over fourteen years. In eighteen months using the principles outlined
in his book YOUR EMPOWERING SPIRIT, he was able to say "I had MS." Six
later he was miraculously healed of a birth defect that severely
limited his lung capacity.
Free online Esoteric and Mystical classes are available at http://www.mysticweb.org with
techniques for: Astral Travel, obe's (Out of Body Experiences),
Self-Knowledge, Alchemy,
Tantrism, Enlightenment, Self Awareness, Initiation, Consciousness,
Awakening, Liberation, Astral Projection, Meditation, Intuition and info
on: Gnosis and Gnostic Studies, the Occult, Spirituality, forums and
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Changing the physical universe with our thoughts & feelings
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