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Your RealityShifter Stories
Page 213

Quantum Jumps
The hundreds of first-hand accounts of reality shifts (aka: mind-matter interaction MMI, quantum jumping, glitches in the Matrix) on this and the following pages have been collected and shared through Cynthia Sue Larson's RealityShifters since 1999. Special issues focusing on particular types of reality shifts (such as: the Dead seen Alive Again, Seeing Loved Ones Before They Arrive, Invisibility, Walking through Walls, etc.) can be found by browsing through the RealityShifters archives and subscribing to the (free) monthly ezine. Hundreds of stories are reported here in this "Your RealityShifter Stories" section of this web site, and the phenomenon is documented in the best-selling books, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World, and Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity.

Solar Generators Appear, and Change Direction
Oakland, California, USA

I was in an Engineering Club and I brought up to a speaker (a high official) the idea of powering much of our society with Solar energy.  She was visibly displeased and not courteous.  Her own Second Official refuted her and agreed with me.  I did a "back of the envelope" calculation showing it could work and forgot about it. A month or so later a friend of mine and I were discussing ME.  We have a range of views on it.  I remember Mandela as leaving prison and no death.  But I do have other odd off timeline memories.  We walked out to a parking lot and saw solar generators.  They were big with a green fence around them. Both of us marveled because they had just arrived.  But records show they had always been there.  But we did not remember them!   Every day since, I marveled.  Days later one of them switched direction from East-West to North-South.  The next day it was back again.  Eventually they were tagged with graffiti, which is odd, because they were there so many years and yet looked new when I first saw them. I eventually saw solar generators all over.  I think that the later ones were recently built and not "always" there.  But they arrived just after the initial one with the odd dark green color that was out of place. The official also lost her seat, which is sad because I voted for her even with her odd answer to my question.  Other interesting events occurred during this time that challenged my simple perception of reality, or of whether things are simple to understand. Indeed, I can testify that the original generators would not have been built in the 2 hours since my friend and I began our conversation.  It is truly possible they had always been present and that neither he nor I noticed them.  But he is highly observant and what is strange is that we were just discussing ME and they appeared.  Was it that we just noticed them?  Maybe, but he is extremely observant, highly intelligent and no one's fool.  He also concurred about the direction shift. I want to be clear and say I have no dogma behind what I think ME is.  All I know is that something "apparently" answered my conversations about solar energy, the environment, matrix reality and other topics. Or a trick of the mind.  You decide.  All I can say is that this is true by my recollection.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience with seeing large, fenced-in solar generators appearing as if they'd always been there--within a short two hour period of time.  It seems like a response to any doubts you might have had that those generators really had come 'out of nowhere,' when one of them made a directional shift from East-West to North-South orientation--and then back again.  What I like best about this whole experience is that this was such a positive reality shift, immediately following a conversation you'd just had with a politician about the benefits of large-scale implementation of solar power.  It's as if our participatory universe was listening, and replied, "let it be so."


Mom experienced weird shift
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Hi Cynthia! I love reading your unique stories that people submit to you (I get your email newsletters. :)). Anyway, I wanted to share one that happened recently to my mom. I'm a big believer in the Mandela Effect and weird realities after experiencing one particularly weird thing personally to me, but that's another story I think I already shared. Even though my mom is open to listening to me talk about this weird stuff, she's never really experienced anything. She's currently living in the Philippines, and messaged me to call her about something weird and creepy that happened to her. As a side note, her caregiver and maid are very honest and loyal to her. Here's what she told me: "I asked my caregiver to go buy me this seasoning for this soup. I told him it has to be the Knorr brand. Later that night, the maid gave me my soup dinner (the caregiver had already gone home), and it was really sour and salty. I asked her to show me the packaging the seasoning came in. It was like a plastic bag with no ingredient listing. I explained to her how they got the wrong one, and the Knorr one would have listed the brand name and ingredients. A few days later, I told my caregiver again to get the Knorr soup packet and to make sure he gets the right one this time. He gave me an odd look, and I told him to just talk to the maid about it. He and the maid came back to my room, and she said that we had never had the conversation about the other seasoning! I didn't believe it, so I told them to show me again the package the soup had come in. When they returned, it was the Knorr brand! It wasn't the plastic one I saw a few days earlier!" Now, I'm not sure what the point is of going to a reality where you get bad soup means, lol, but in my mom's paranoid mind, she thinks the incident means her angels were visiting her saying that they'll be taking her soon (she's not even ill). And she was saying how she didn't feel any fear at all, didn't sense any other weird vibe in that other reality. But I told her, “no! You shifted to another reality!” Anyway, interesting times!

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing this experience your mother described, with the soup packet changing.  What I find fascinating about this experience is both that the soup package wrapper appeared to have changed, and also that the maid assured your mother that they'd never had any conversation about the importance of making the correct soup with a packet of Knorr brand soup.  I've often noticed that people I talk to don't remember conversations that I know that we've had--which to me is a big 'red flag' that some kind of reality shift / personal Mandela Effect has occurred.  I believe these kinds of discrepancies in the way we remember conversations have happened take place a great deal more than most people realize, and only come to the surface where we get a chance to view them on occasions such as this, where an important conversation is believed by one person to have happened, though someone else believe it never took place at all.

My Slow Motion Flying Jump
Dyan (Earth Daughter)
Oregon, USA

When I was around age 5 or 6 years old in the first grade, I have a very vivid memory of playing hopscotch during recess and feeling the effect of—a glitch in the matrix, or an out of body experience—is the only way that I can think to describe it. Maybe you've heard similar stories, and have an idea of what happened to me. Anyway, we were playing hopscotch at first, but then the game of hopscotch evolved into us taking turns to see who could jump farthest, and skip the most squares, like doing a running long jump. There were three or four of us playing. As soon as we jumped and landed, we would run to the end of the line to do it again. Upon my 10th or so jump, I lifted off, and everything went into slow motion. I felt like I was flying much higher than before, and in slow motion and like I didn't have control of my body, or how I would end up landing.  When I did land, in what felt like 10 seconds or so, my feet touched the ground, but I couldn't feel them touch, my knees buckled, and I landed on all fours, but I didn't feel my knees or hands touch the ground. The inertia caused my elbows to give, and my body continued to move downward and forward in slow motion, and I didn't stop until my whole body was laying flat on the ground with my head turned to the side. Now, if I would have experienced this fall full speed, I'm sure it would have hurt like heck. Instead, it felt like a gentle, slow motion descent that I didn't have control of, and that something else was controlling the way I landed, and made sure my head turned to the side, so as to not plant my face into the ground. Once on the ground, it took another two seconds or so for things to feel normal speed again. I was really freaked out, thinking that it should have really hurt! I quickly got up on my feet, brushed myself off and assessed the situation trying to see if I was injured. Nobody on the playground ran to my aid or seemed the least bit concerned about my fall. Maybe that was because I jumped up so quickly they assumed I was fine, which it turned out, I was fine.  I may have slightly skidded the palms of my hands and knees, but barely.   It left me pretty shaken. I just walked away from the game completely stunned that I had been flying in slow motion, and nobody saw it happen. Years and years later as an adult, I told my father that story. He looked at me shocked, and asked me why I had never told him before. He then told me he had a very similar experience as a child, where he was repeatedly running up a short flight of steps leading to the front door of his house, then he would use the handrails and walk down on his hands with his feet raised, not touching the steps. He said that after doing it a number of times, he went to walk down with his hands on the handrails, and instead he gently glided down in slow motion without his feet touching the steps and without his hands on the hand rails and he made a soft, perfect landing at the bottom stoop. He was just as shocked as me. We spent the afternoon sharing crazy stories that at the time we could only associate with the paranormal. We didn't know what we were dealing with.

Note from Cynthia: I love how were able to describe this slow motion flying jump experience to your father, and then it turned out that he'd also had such a similarly extraordinary slow motion experience, too! As a special post script, I want to make note of the fact that you originally sent this experience to me in January 2017, and also that you are the one who put me in touch with Dr. Tarrin Lupo, where I first met Evan Matraia (moneybags73). Thank you so much for all your support through these extraordinary times!

Noticing the Portrait of Dorian Gray
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

I saw you on one of the latest episodes of Open Minds with Regina Meredith on GAIA.  I just wanted to let you know, first of all, that I remember The PORTRAIT of Dorian Gray as well.  In fact, I just looked it up on Amazon to see how it was listed now but I put in the title with the word 'portrait.'  It was obvious from the fact that when I input the title with portrait in it and that title came up in the listings (below the scroll bar) but then pulled up ONLY The PICTURE of Dorian Gray, that we're not the only ones who remember the word portrait. But something just happened today that really made me wonder about this.  I've been rewatching the first Penny Dreadful series with Timothy Dalton which ran from 2014 through 2016.  One of the characters in this series is Dorian Gray.  Today, in the 1st season, 4th episode which was filmed in 2014, Dorian Gray was shown sitting before his—PORTRAIT—which is not a small 'picture,' but a huge floor to ceiling framed canvas with his visage on it which most artists typically refer to as a 'portrait.'   I say that because I am an artist and this is what I learned this sized painting was called: a PORTRAIT, not a picture.  Granted, the character didn't say anything about his 'portrait.' However, I'll let you know if he does at some later point in the series.  If he does say anything, he won't say it until probably somewhere close the end of the series in season 3. Anyway—Just saying— :-)

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing that you also remember the "Portrait of Dorian Gray" and not what it's now supposedly 'always been' as the "Picture of Dorian Gray."  I know you're right that you and Regina Meredith and I are hardly the only ones who remember this title differently!  And certainly you are correct that a large painting of someone has long been known more often as a "portrait" than a "picture."  Thank you also for mentioning that there is a character, Dorian Gray, on the first Penny Dreadful series.  I've not watched that series, and it will be interesting to see whether the word "portrait" or "picture" is used in this show.

Toaster that kept coming back
South East England, U.K.

”The toaster that would not go away” is a funny Mandela effect experience that makes people laugh. My friend Tim, who lived in Chicago around 2012 had a broken toaster, so he threw it out to the trash bin. The trash was collected, but the next day, when he opened the cupboard, the toaster was back in its original place! It was the same make of toaster—the same everything. So the next week, Tim got hold of the toaster, and he made sure it was put in the trash can. A few days later, he discovered the toaster—but he said he found it in an unusual place, and not where he usually kept it. So the next time he went to throw it away, he dismantled the toaster completely, and made sure that he saw the trash can men take it away in bits on garbage day. It never returned.

Note from Cynthia: That experience with a toaster that kept coming back is amazing.  It reminds me of the kinds of Mandela Effect 'flip-flops' that people notice with things like the spelling of a business name, such as Costco going back and forth between Costco and Cosco for a while, and then settling down. But with the toaster experience, it's truly strange to have such clear, detailed, and specific memories, complete with muscle and motor memory of having physically taken action to discard that same toaster, only to have it keep coming back.  That's interesting that the only way it stopped coming back was after it was completely dismantled.  I notice sometimes when a device is not working well and I am seriously considering throwing it away, I have found that putting a replacement device right next to it (such as a working router next to the intermittently-working router), then the device that was seeming broken suddenly starts working at 100% reliability! 

Disappearing / Reappearing glass bulb pendant
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Just wanted to share another crazy story that happened a week ago! My eldest was disappointed showing me this necklace she has. It has a tiny glass bulb as a pendant that contains like these lavender pieces. Anyway, she was showing me the chain saying she was sad that the pendant was now lost. I examined it and said, "Aww, so it must've fallen off I guess? Bummer!" It's a very unique necklace. Anyhow, a day or 2 later I was cleaning my other kids rooms. I also cleaned off this small shelf that's in a small hallway by the kids' rooms. Then in the evening, I passed by the shelf and saw my eldest's necklace sitting on the shelf, and I saw the necklace had the bulb pendant on it! I yelled down to her and asked, "So you found your necklace pendant??" And she gave me this odd look, and I showed her the necklace. She took it, and was giving me a confused look. I continued on, "Wasn't the pendant missing?" Her response was scared, " yeah " But I find things like this awesome, amazing, magical! And I was more like excited, "WOW!! HOW WEIRD!!" But my eldest is a scaredy cat and didn't want to talk about it further, obviously freaked out how it showed up. Love these weird times!! :D Not sure if it could be a reason, but it happened the day of our most recent solar eclipse.

Note from Cynthia: Wow, this is such a great experience, finding your daughter's lavender glass bulb pendant, a couple of days after your daughter showed you it was lost, and had slipped off its chain.  I love these kinds of experiences, especially when something lost is found again!  When my daughters were young, and something went missing (which often was the case), we'd walk around saying, "Hope for reality shift!" while maintaining a joyful, relaxed, high-vibratory state, and many items would soon enough make their return, often in rather unexpected or unlikely places (such as my daughter's water shoes appearing up on her top bunk bed pillow--or a juice cup appearing atop the refrigerator).  In your case, perhaps it helped that your daughter took time to show the missing pendant to you, so together your shared love for the pendant might have served to bring you both to a reality where that pendant and its chain stayed together.

Donna new bushes arrived
Stop Light Comes and Goes and New Bushes Appeared
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

So a week or so ago, there was a new stop light on a road I have driven down almost daily (except in winter) since 2005. It just appeared one morning. Interestingly, if I think about the stop light when I am driving down that road, it will be there. If I don't, I don't know if it was there or not. Two shifts today. One is gone. The other is two bushes, about eight feet tall, looking like they have never been trimmed, are in front of the building next door. I swear they were not there any of the times I have taken my dog out the last two years, or, the four years I have lived in these buildings. I can see one of the trees from my living room. I have sat here the whole quarantine. I purposely moved the love seat in front of the window just so I could sit in an open window. I love sending these things to you.

Note from Cynthia: Wow, that is amazing about the stop light sometimes being there, and sometimes not, according to whether or not you're thinking of it.  That's such a beautiful tree to see outside your window--how amazing that you're certain it's not been there before when you have walked past it or looked out your window. 

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